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Cassiopedia This glossary is the result of networking and joint effort of many readers of Signs of the Times and other web sites sharing a similar point of view, namely that Knowledge Protects.
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Cassiopaea Trenutno stranica broj 1 u istraživanjima raznih svjetskih događanja kroz prizmu hiperdimenzionalnog svijeta u kojem živimo. Trenutno najšira slika dostupna "smrtnicima".
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Montalk Jako dobra stranica sa bogatim sadržajima. Odlična razmišljanja i analize raznih trenutnih problema čovječanstva. Stranice su dostupne i na još 3 poznatija jezika...
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Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind - Paleochristianity The Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind – Church of Revived PaleoChristianity was founded in September 2009 as a nonprofit religious corporation. The incorporation was undertaken in order to establish and maintain a Fellowship whose purpose is to learn to be truly Christ-like in our daily living by actualizing ancient principles of PaleoChristian Techno-Spirituality retrieved and reconstituted by both diligent study and inspiration; to be a fellowship that nurtures members through sound Mystical Science to grow in knowledge, consciousness, and conscience so as to fully know and actualize True Existence in relationship with the Cosmos; to be a Fellowship that ministers unselfishly to persons in the community and world in the name of PaleoChrist-Consciousness as originally revealed to humankind in past aeons; in short, to endeavor to restore humankind to its naturally beneficial and benevolent relationship with all levels of the Cosmos via PaleoChristianity, including publishing and disseminating information in all media for this purpose.
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Gerardus' Grist Jako dobra kolekcija metafizičkog materijala i znanja, vrijedni tekstovi i članci. Svakako posjetiti jer je tu sakupljeno iskustvo kroz 80-tak godina proučavanja... Svaka čast, Gerardus!!!
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Bruce Lipton Najbolji čovjek u istraživanju genetike. Gledao sam njegov fenomenalan dokumentarac o tome kako naša percepcija mijenja naše gene. Za svaku preporuku!!! Odlični radovi i proučavanja.
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David Icke Službena stranica najpoznatijeg istraživača matrice u kojoj živimo. Autor "Najveće tajne" koja je jedna od prvih knjiga koja me "pobudila" na istraživanja...
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Beyond Weird Stranica sa mnogo sadržaja i tema. Velika baza podataka svakakvih tekstova.
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Val Valerian Scientific, social and planetary paradigm research and analysis, Matrix Books...
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Karla Turner memorial An online memorial and tribute to the researcher of UFO / Military Abductions. Dr. Turner's books are all out of print; in addition,"Taken" and "Masquerade" are both very expensive to obtain on the used market. They also happen to be two of the most important books ever written on the UFO abduction phenomenon. "Into the Fringe," Dr. Turner's first book, also provides much valuable background information on the experiences of this pioneering researcher. If you read no other book on the subject of UFOs and alien abduction read "Taken." It is easily one of the most informative and relevant books on the overall implications of this phenomenon yet written.
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Rense Poznati istraživač Jeff Rense, mnogo članaka i svega što će poslužiti da se nauči lekcija u kakvom svijetu živimo...
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Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Barbara Marciniak is an internationally acclaimed trance channel, inspirational speaker, and best-selling author of Bringers of the Dawn, Earth, Family of Light, and Path of Empowerment, which collectively have been translated into more than twenty languages and have sold over five hundred thousand U.S. copies. She has a BA in social science, and is the publisher and editor of the quarterly newsletter The Pleiadian Times. Her extensive worldwide travels, astrological studies, and a lifetime of alternative free thinking augment her personal understanding of the material she channels. The Pleiadians are a collective of multidimensional spirit beings from the Pleiades star system, and have been speaking through Barbara Marciniak since May of 1988. The Pleiadians are here to assist humanity with the process of spiritual transformation in the years leading up to December 2012. Their distinctive style blends wit and wisdom, common sense, and cosmic knowledge in teachings that encourage expansive thinking and personal empowerment, and which have been compared to native shamanism.
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Spirit of Ra The Great Central Sun is, metaphorically, the Source and the Center of a Galaxy and a Cosmos. It is the Point of Integration of the Spirit/Matter Cosmos, and the Origin of all physical-spiritual creation. The Sun behind the Sun is the Spiritual Cause behind the physical effect we see as our own Physical Sun and all other stars and star systems, seen or unseen, Including The Great Central Sun. The Sun behind the Sun of Cosmos is perceived as the Cosmic Christ - the Word by Whom the Formless was endowed with form, and Spiritual Worlds were draped with physicality. "The Great Central Sun Is One with every Individual's I AM Presence."
*Ascension Research Center
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CTP energy Istraživanja našeg Dražena Premate koji još od 1985. istražuje rubna područja znanosti o univerzumu...
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Gregg Braden Gregg Braden, poznati istraživač i njegova web stranica... Could the marriage of science and spirituality answer the deepest mysteries of our past, while solving the problems that threaten our future? A growing body of evidence suggests that the answer to this question is an empowering “YES!” For over 22 years, Gregg Braden has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. Combining his discoveries with the best science of today, his original research crosses the traditional boundaries of science, history, and religion offering fresh insights into ancient mysteries. In doing so he has redefined our relationship to our inner and outer worlds, while sharing his life-affirming message of hope and possibility.
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Gurdjieff International Review Gurdjieff International Review - A source of informed essays and commentary on the history, writings, and teachings of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff. Mr. Gurdjieff was an extraordinary man, a master in the truest sense.
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Resource for Victims of Psychopaths and Narcissists If you have experienced an encounter with a psychopath or narcissist, a socialized or "compensated" psychopath or a violent sociopath, you have come to the right place. You probably feel like you have been through an emotional meat-grinder, like your soul is just raw and bleeding hamburger. (This is not said in humor since one victim described how she felt exactly that way!) You met someone who was charming, talented and eloquent who most likely made you feel like a million bucks. And then, suddenly, at some point (usually beginning at the first moment you disagreed with him or her), you were made to feel like week-old garbage.
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Carnicom - Aerosol crimes Chemtrails, aerosol crimes, morgellons, global warming...
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Michael Tsarion Stranica poznatog istraživača Michael Tsarion-a, autora dokumentarca Origins and Oracles, kao i mnogih drugih. Iznosi svu glavnu problematiku, a bavi se proučavanjem taroskopske astrologije, numerologijom, Kabalom...
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Project Camelot In regard to harassment, part of Camelot’s mission is to stand up straight and say things without being intimidated, and therefore to encourage others to come forward.
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